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ETS 300 487/A1 ED.1

Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Receive-Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications; Radio Frequency (RF) specifications

Status: Harmonized
Full text EAD:
Sector of ETS 300 487/A1 ED.1: RTTED | Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment
Sphere of ETS 300 487/A1 ED.1:
Publications in the Official Journal:


ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Directive EP and Council 1999/5/EC repealed by Directive 2014/53/EU from 13th June 2016
references to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to Directive 2014/53/EU

/ Commission Decision 2007/131/ES (with amendment 2014/702/EU)

/ 2011/826/EU
nařízení vlády č. 426/2000 Sb. / 426/2016 Sb.: effectiveness 7. 1. 2017, replaces 426/2000 Coll., until 13 June 2017  can be used both regulations
/ 426/2000 Coll. will remain applicable until 13 June 2017
nariadenie vlády SR č. 443/2001 Z.z.
zrušeno a nahrazeno nařízením vlády SR č. 193/2016 Z.z.
(§ 5 nařízení vlády SR č. 193/2016 Z.z. nabývá účinnosti 12. 6. 2018)
Released: August, 2010


ČSN ETS 300487:2001  

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