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ETSI EN 303 213-3 V1.1.1

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) - Part 3: Community Specification for application under the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004 for a deployed cooperative sensor including its interfaces

Status: Harmonized
Full text EAD:
Sector of ETSI EN 303 213-3 V1.1.1: AT | Air traffic
Sphere of ETSI EN 303 213-3 V1.1.1: Other selected
Publications in the Official Journal:
Notified bodies (NANDO): Notified bodies for Regulation (EC)552/2004
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Regulation (EC)552/2004
consolidated text
// Regulation (EC)552/2004 is repealed (with effect from 11 September 2018) by Regulation (EU)2018/1139  consolidated text
/ Commission Implementing Regulation of Regulation (EU)2018/1139:
(EU)2023/203 consolidated text with amendment (EU)2023/1769
/ Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)2019/945 (consolidated text)

Regulation (EC)552/2004
consolidated text
// Regulation (EC)552/2004 is repealed (with effect from 11 September 2018) by Regulation (EU)2018/1139 consolidated text
/ Commission Implementing Regulation of Regulation (EU)2018/1139:
(EU)2023/203 consolidated text with amendment (EU)2023/1769
/ Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)2019/945 (consolidated text)

Regulation (EC)552/2004
consolidated text
// Regulation (EC)552/2004 is repealed (with effect from 11 September 2018) by Regulation (EU)2018/1139 consolidated text
/ Commission Implementing Regulation of Regulation (EU)2018/1139:
(EU)2023/203 consolidated text with amendment (EU)2023/1769
/ Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)2019/945 (consolidated text)

zákon č. 49/1997 Sb.

consolidated text 
/ amendment No 152/2023 Sb. enter into force 1. 7. 2023

zákon č. 143/1998 Z.z. actual text


ČSN ETSI EN 303 213-3 V1.1.1 :2011  

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