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Sector of: EU fertilising products

Sphere of: Regulation No. 90/2016 - harmonized sphere (NLF)

Abbreviation: FP
Publications in the Official Journal: (EU)2024/2387 (hEN 10. 9. 2024)
ES/EU regulation ČR regulation SR regulation
Regulation (EU)2019/1009 (consolidated text 3. 7. 2024) Regulation (EU)2019/2019 (consolidated text 3. 7. 2024) Regulation (EU)2019/2019 (consolidated text 3. 7. 2024)
Sector (abbr.) hEN:
Status:   Regulation:
Name/code Advanced search
Standard code ČSN Description Applicability date Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard Publications in the Official Journal Regulations
EN 17816:2023 ČSN EN 17816:2023 Materiály k vápnění půd - Stanovení fyzikálních a chemických vlastností a specifických nečistot 10.09.2024 (FP) OJ-FP (EU)2019/1009
EN 17817:2023 ČSN EN 17817:2024 Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors - Determination of the quantity (declared by mass or volume) 10.09.2024 (FP) OJ-FP (EU)2019/1009
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