Information system Product regulation

Emise do životního prostředí - Environmental emissions - Drinking water



Specific provisions

Act No 258/2000 Coll.
consolidated text

Act on protection of public health and on amendment to some related laws

section 3,
section 3a

Decree No 38/2001 Coll.
consolidated text

Decree on hygienic requirements to products intended for direct contact with foodstuffs and meals

section 10, section 11, section 11a, section 11 b, section 12, section 13, section 14, section 15, section 16, section 17, section 20,
Annex No 1, Annex No 3, Annex No 4, Annex No 5, Annex No 7, Annex No 8, Annex No 10

Decree No 409/2005 Coll.
consolidated text

Decree on the hygiene requirements for products coming into direct contact with water and for water treatment
/ amendment by Decrre No 446/2021 Sb. from 1. 1. 2022

section 3, section 4, section 5, section 7, section 8,
section 9,
section 10, section 11, section 12,
Annex No 1

Decree No 252/2004 Coll.
consolidated text

Decree on hygienic requirements for drinking water and hot water and the frequency and scope of drinking water

section 2, section 3, section 11, Annex No 1, Annex No 2, Annex No 3, Annex No 5, Annex No 6

Act No. 263/2016 Coll.
consolidated text

Atomic act

section 9,
section 100

Decree No. 422/2016 Coll.

Decree on radiation protection and security of a radioactive source

section 98, section 99, section 100,
section 101

Requirements for finished products made of elastomers and materials based on natural and synthetic rubber (Decree No. 38/2001 Coll.)

Standard identifier

National classification

Czech title

English title

ČSN 62 1156:1986

62 1156

Chemické zkoušky pryže. Chemické zkoušení pryže zdravotně nezávadné

Chemical tests of rubber. Chemical test of suitable rubber

ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

01 5253

Posuzování shody - Všeobecné požadavky na způsobilost zkušebních a kalibračních laboratoří

General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

Leaching test and general hygiene requirements for for products intended to come into contact with drinking water (Decree No 409/2005 Coll. with amnedment No 446/2021 Coll. and Decree No 252/2004 Coll.)

Standard identifier

National classification

Czech title

English title

ČSN EN 196-1:2016

72 2100

Metody zkoušení cementu - Část 1: Stanovení pevnosti

Methods of testing cement - Part 1: Determination of strength

ČSN EN 12902:2005

75 5702

Výrobky používané pro úpravu vody určené k lidské spotřebě - Pomocné anorganické a filtrační materiály - Metody zkoušení

Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Methods of test

ČSN EN ISO 8795:2001

64 3137

Plastové potrubní systémy pro rozvod pitné vody - Stanovení migrace - Stanovení migračních hodnot plastových trubek, tvarovek a jejich spojů

Plastic piping systems for the transport of water intended for human comsuption - Migration assesment - Determination of migration values of plastic pipes and fittings and their joints (ISO 8795:2001)

ČSN EN 1622:2007

75 7330

Jakost vod - Stanovení prahového čísla pachu (TON) a prahového čísla chuti (TFN)

Water quality - Determination of the threshold odour number (TON) and threshold flavour number (TFN)

ČSN EN ISO 5667-14:2017

75 7051

Kvalita vod - Odběr vzorků - Část 14: Návod pro prokazování a řízení kvality odběru vzorků vod a manipulace s nimi

Water quality - Sampling - Part 14: Guidance on quality assurance and quality control of environmental water sampling and handling


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