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ČSN ISO 81346-10 - Průmyslové systémy, instalace a zařízení a průmyslové produkty - Zásady strukturování a referenční označování - Část 10: Energetické systémy

Download standard: ČSN ISO 81346-10 (Show details)
Published: 2023-08-01
Classification symbol: 013710
Category: Dokumentační normy. Průmyslové systémy
  • 01.110 - Technická dokumentace výrobků
Status: Valid
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3.1 building

construction entity (3.3) that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes, usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place

[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1:2020,, modified —works replaced by entity and Note 1 to entry deleted.]

3.1 building

construction entity (3.3) that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes, usually partially or totally enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place

[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1:2020,, modified —works replaced by entity and Note 1 to entry deleted.]

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